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Toyo Ink Paint Color Matches

MyPerfectColor matches all Toyo Ink colors in spray paint, touch-up paint, pints, gallons, and more.

You can find a match of any Toyo Ink color on MyPerfectColor. Please contact us if you do not find the Toyo Ink color you need.

To find your desired color, simply enter your search query in the box below:

FAQs about Toyo Ink

How fast will I receive my paint matched to Toyo Ink colors?
All paint is custom-made to order. While most orders ship within 48 hours, the lead-time for paint made to match Toyo Ink colors depends on the type of paint needed. Interior and exterior house paints usually ship within 1 to 3 business days, while custom spray paint typically takes 3-5 business days to ship. The transit time depends on your location and the shipping method you choose. If your need is immediate, select Expedited Production during checkout. Most expedited production orders ship within 24 hours on business days. Please contact MyPerfectColor if you are concerned about a specific deadline. We do our best to make sure you get your paint on time. Learn more about paint lead times at MyPerfectColor.
What type of base paint does MyPerfectColor use to match Toyo Ink colors?
For residential paint, MyPerfectColor uses a variety of paints to create or match any color imaginable. Paint is available in gallons and quarts in a variety of finishes such as matte, eggshell and satin. You can see all of the paint choices from the color page. Learn how to buy paint on MyPerfectColor.
How does MyPerfectColor match Toyo Ink Paint Colors?
MyPerfectColor uses its expert capabilities to recreate the original Toyo Ink color by matching the original Toyo Ink color books and swatches. MyPerfectColor is not using Toyo Ink paint. We use over 100 colorants, pigments and dyes, many of which we crafted specifically for our own needs. Most hardware and paint stores are designed to only make colors for residential use, which requires much less variation. They typically have 10-13 colorants available for all their tinting needs. We use state-of-the-art spectrophotometers, proprietary matching software, gloss meters, light boxes and expertly trained and experienced eyes. We even require a color vision test as part of our hiring process! Learn more about our paint color matching services.
Can you match Toyo Ink colors in spray paint?
Yes, any Toyo Ink color can be matched and made into a custom spray paint. Visit any Toyo Ink color page on MyPerfectColor to see the available options and pricing and to order. Learn more about our custom spray paint.
Can you make any Toyo Ink Color in Paint?
We can provide any Toyo Ink color in spray paint as well as many other types including touch up pens, brush-in-cap bottles, direct-to-metal alkyds and acrylics and even two-part epoxies and urethanes. Visit any Federal Standard color page on MyPerfectColor to see the available options and pricing. Learn more about our custom spray paint.
How do I find a Toyo Ink color in a different company?

While MyPerfectColor can provide paint matched to any Toyo Ink paint color, we don't provide any crossover information to another paint brand because this is a subjective determination. Every paint company offers its own unique selection of colors and rarely does a color have an exact equivalent in another company's color collection, so determining which color is the best approximation is a judgement call. Learn more about comparing paint colors across brands. However, under the color image on a color page there is a link that says "Explore Related Colors". Clicking this link displays colors with similar values and you can look for any colors from the company you want. Keep in mind that this just shows similar colors based on the color values we have stored in our database. It doesn't mean it is the same or give any approximation about how close the color is. You can play around with the Hue, Lightness and Chroma sliders to expand the selection.

How do I get the SDS (Safety Data Sheet)?
You can find Safety Data Sheets here for our most popular products.
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*MyPerfectColor uses proprietary paints to create or match any color imaginable. MyPerfectColor has matched the colors on this page based on the color specifications of the original. Select a color to see MyPerfectColor's duplication of the colors you desire. Please note that since the paint used to match this color is unique to MyPerfectColor, the finish of the paint may vary from the original. Please note that, other than RAL and Pantone, MyPerfectColor is not offering the actual branded color or paint product for sale and has no affiliation with the color-referenced brands. MyPerfectColor reference to any trademark is for color comparison only. On-screen and printed color representations may vary from actual paint colors. The actual paint color will also vary depending on the specific paint product, application method, gloss level, film variance, surface substrate, age and light source. Please note on small batch size orders, the potential variation of colors is increased.