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Touch Up Paint for Scientific Equipment Manufacturers

Touch Up Paint for scientific equipment Manufacturers


MyPerfectColor provides touch-up paint and custom color paint solutions for many scientific equipment manufacturers. Because of the nature of this equipment, there are ample opportunities for damage at some point in the process from the assembly line to installation. No one wants their product to arrive at a customer with scratches, so this is where custom touch up paint can be beneficial.

MyPerfectColor solves the problem for both manufacturers and their customers. Our expert team will

  • Match the color and finish of your products (including metallics and pearlescent)
  • Provide this perfectly matched paint in paint pens, one-ounce brush-in-cap bottles, and aerosol spray cans.

Moreover, MyPerfectColor can tailor a program to best meet your specific needs. This includes:

  • No minimum order sizes
  • Drop-shipping to any destination worldwide
  • Speedy turnarounds on new color formulations
  • Private labeling and
  • Fulfillment and shipping of most orders within one to two business days.
  • Special quantity and bulk pricing available as well.

MyPerfectColor's unique small-batch-match-on-demand capabilities ensure complete touch-up coverage of your entire product line with very little hassle or investment.

Additionally, we can also help with product line color development. We can create paint matching any color, as well as develop new colors, which can be used to create models and prototypes for executive review, user testing, and photography.

Ask us how we can create a touch-up paint program tailored to meet your specific needs.


What Our Customers Say 

I was very delighted to find a company that not only could produce custom colors for us, but could produce them quickly, and in an aerosol format. We have been struggling to find a vendor to fill in this crucial step in our process. I was helped out by Amanda B and Angelica. They were very professional and understanding of my needs and they got the product to me quickly, and in one piece! I am extremely delighted with your company and look forward to working with you guys again!

Read more about Our Customers and several customer success stories.



FAQs about Touch Up Paint for Scientific Equipment Manufacturers

What is the formulation fee and do I need to pay that on a reorder?
The formulation fee is a charge that may be applied for the development of a new color formula. This fee covers the costs involved in the research, testing, and creation of a custom color, especially when it's the first time such a color is being produced. MyPerfectColor only charges this fee once per color, and is not required on reorders. MyPerfectColor also waives the initial formulation fee with initial orders over $600.
What is the minimum order size for touch-up paint?
There are no minimum order sizes. MyPerfectColor will produce a single unit of touch-up for your color if that is what you need.
Do I need a paint pen, touch-up bottle, or aerosol?
The choice of touch-up paint applicator depends on personal preference and the type of repair. Paint pens are barrels filled with paint with an actuated tip. When the tip is depressed the paint can flow. These work really well for scratches and pinholes. Brush in cap bottles (like a nail polish bottle) also works really well for scratches, chips, and pinholes. Pens and bottles are very similar and very popular for touching up lighting fixtures. Spray paint works great for larger areas, scuffs, repainting, and painting ancillary items needing painting. We make it very easy to mix and match applicators for any color so you can experiment to find out what you like. Learn more about our different spray and touch-up paint applicators.
Can I get touch-up paint to match the metallic or pearlescent finish of our products?
Yes, MyPerfectColor can create touch-up solutions for metallic and pearlescent coatings. It is sometimes not possible to create an exact match under all viewing angles, but we always do our best. Please send us samples so we can provide more specific feedback on your finish.
How long does it take to create touch-up paint?
It usually takes about a week to custom formulate a touch-up grade paint, but this depends on our backlog and the match difficulty. We can speed it up if your need is urgent, but sometimes we need time to get the match as close as possible. As the match gets more precise, we need to let the paint dry thoroughly between each iteration and this adds time to the process. Once we have a match we can make reorders very quickly. Learn more about timing of paint deliveries.

*MyPerfectColor uses proprietary paints to create or match any color imaginable. MyPerfectColor has matched the colors on this page based on the color specifications of the original. Select a color to see MyPerfectColor's duplication of the colors you desire. Please note that since the paint used to match this color is unique to MyPerfectColor, the finish of the paint may vary from the original. Please note that, other than RAL and Pantone, MyPerfectColor is not offering the actual branded color or paint product for sale and has no affiliation with the color-referenced brands. MyPerfectColor reference to any trademark is for color comparison only. On-screen and printed color representations may vary from actual paint colors. The actual paint color will also vary depending on the specific paint product, application method, gloss level, film variance, surface substrate, age and light source. Please note on small batch size orders, the potential variation of colors is increased.