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Munsell Paint Color Matches

Munsell Colors

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MyPerfectColor offers paint matched to all Munsell colors in a variety of paint types including acrylic enamel spray paints and a full range of Epoxy, Urethanes, Direct To Metal paints, and wall paints.

The Munsell color system was introduced by Albert Munsell in 1905 as a way to measure and identify colors within a three-dimensional space based on hue (the color), value (lightness), and chroma (color saturation). The system has improved significantly over the years through a series of experiments based on how humans perceive color. The Munsell system is still in use today.

The Munsell Book of Color contains over 1,600 color swatches arranged by the Munsell Color Order System.

Munsell Hue

Munsell 5y 7/1

The Munsell Color Notation starts with 10 Munsell Hue categories: R, YR, Y, GY, G, BG, B, PB, P, and RP (red, yellow red, yellow, green yellow, green, blue green, blue, purple blue, purple, red purple). Each of these hues is broken down into subcategories based on its numerical prefix. While the measurement of color in this system is essentially continuous (eg 3.7Y), the Munsell Color Book only includes swatches at fixed intervals of 2.5 from 2.5 to 10 (eg 2.5Y, 5Y, 7.5Y, 10Y).

Munsell Color Value

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The Munsell Value is the next number in the Munsell Color Notation and explains the lightness of the color. The value ranges from 0 for pure black to 10 for pure white. These values are also theoretically continuous (eg 2.9) but the Munsell Color Book typically only includes swatches of values of whole numbers at fixed intervals of 2 (eg 2, 4, 6, 8).

Munsell Color Chroma

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The last number in the Munsell Color Notation is the Munsell Chroma and describes the color’s purity or saturation. The chroma typically ranges from 1-14 but can go as high as 30 for fluorescent colors. A chroma of 2 would be very gray while a chroma of 14 would be a bright, intense “pure” color. The Munsell Color Book typically only includes swatches for chromas of whole numbers at fixed intervals of 1 or 2 (eg 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10).

MyPerfectColor lists all colors within the Munsell Color Book on the website. If you cannot find your color chances are that it is a custom color that is not contained within the Munsell Color Book. For example, you may have a color of “3.7Y 2.6/9.4”. This would be a case where a specific color was translated into the Munsell Color System. It describes the color in the three-dimensional space, but the color wouldn’t have a swatch in the Munsell Color Book. MyPerfectColor can match these custom colors, but would need a physical sample in order to make a match. If it is for a touch-up paint application, then the best course would to send an actual part in for color matching (learn more about MyPerfectColor Custom Color Matching Services). Alternatively, Munsell will create a swatch of any color for a fee. This swatch can be sent directly to MyPerfectColor and we will make the paint. Munsell doesn’t make or sell paint - only color standards. MyPerfectColor can work directly with Munsell on your behalf to make paint to match any color.

Please note that if you are looking to touch up equipment or a product, you may need a true touch-up paint solution matching the specific sheen and color of your part. Learn more about our Custom Color Matching Services where you send us a part so we can match your specific color and sheen to a high degree of accuracy suitable for a touch-up paint application.

FAQs about Munsell

When will I get my Munsell Color Matched Paint?
We understand our clients are usually on very tight timelines and we always do our best to get your Munsell color maatched paint shipped as quickly as possible. Please indicate the date you need it by in the order comments and we’ll do our best to accommodate. If you need guaranteed shipment within 1 business day we do offer an Expedited Production option available during checkout. If you have any questions or concers please contact us. Most orders ship within 2-3 days and 70% of orders ship within 48 hours. Learn more about paint delivery times.
Does Munsell make paint?
No, Munsell does not make paint. Munsell provides color standards used by brands and manufacturers. Munsell standards provide a way for people to communicate color and set color specifications. Munsell does not provide paint. MyPerfectColor can match any Munsell colors in spray paint, touch up paint, pints, gallons and more. Learn more about our touch up paint products.
What does Munsell mean?
Munsell is a three dimensional color space and notation system used to describe colors. It was originally developed in 1905 and has improved over the years into the system available today. Munsell is used as a color standard for color communication through its Munsell Book of Color which contains over 1,600 color swatches.
Can you match Munsell colors in spray paint?
Yes, absolutely. MyPerfectColor can match any Munsell color in spray paint as well as many other types including pens, brush-in-cap bottles, direct to metal alkyds and acrylics and even two-part epoxies and urethanes. Visit any Munsell color page on MyPerfectColor to see the available options and pricing and to order. Learn more about our custom spray paint.
How do I get the SDS (Safety Data Sheet)?
You can find Safety Data Sheets here for our most popular products.
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*MyPerfectColor uses Kelly Moore or proprietary paints to create or match any color imaginable. MyPerfectColor has matched the colors on this page based on the color specifications of the original. Select a color to see MyPerfectColor's duplication of the colors you desire. Please note that since the paint used to match this color is unique to MyPerfectColor, the finish of the paint may vary from the original. Please note that, other than Kelly Moore, RAL, and Pantone, MyPerfectColor is not offering the actual branded color or paint product for sale and has no affiliation with the color-referenced brands. MyPerfectColor reference to any trademark is for color comparison only. On-screen and printed color representations may vary from actual paint colors. The actual paint color will also vary depending on the specific paint product, application method, gloss level, film variance, surface substrate, age and light source. Please note on small batch size orders, the potential variation of colors is increased.