Martha Stewart Paint Color Matches
For more than 30 years, Martha Stewart provided paint and color collections through partnerships with different paint manufacturers and sold through various home centers including Kmart, Lowe's and Home Dept. A few years ago, Martha Stewart decided to stop selling paint and as a result it is no longer available in stores (beyond some smaller craft paint varieties) and thus for many people these are simply discontinued paint colors. But you are not out of luck, because you can find Martha Stewart paint colors at MyPerfectColor, of course! Here's a great writeup of the history of Martha Stewart paints.
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MyPerfectColor is able match all of the Martha Stewart paint colors so you can still find and enjoy the colors you love. MyPerfectColor uses its expert capabilities to recreate the original Martha Stewart color by matching the original Martha Stewart color books and swatches. MyPerfectColor is not using Martha Stewart paint as this is no longer available.
MyPerfectColor matches Martha Stewart colors based on Martha Stewart color publications. The colors shown on this website are computer video simulations of the Martha Stewart Color and may not match Martha Stewart Color standards. Refer to Martha Stewart Publications to obtain accurate color.
Please know that MyPerfectColor is matching the original Martha Stewart color. If you intend to touch up paint that has been on your walls for years, know that your color has undoubtedly changed from the original due to exposure to light and age and the new paint may not match. You will achieve best results by recoating the entire surface.