Looking for color by Hex, RGB, CMYK, or Lab?

Username: Swright

Type: customer

Score: 2

Comments (1)

Exterior Paint Colors

I would like to lighten the color of our small bungalow. Currently the paint colors are a muddy brown color for the body color, and a dark green for the window trim. I would like a shade of white for all of the window trim color (to replace the green), but I'm not sure what body color would work with the beige limsetone. I like a more neutral palette - greys, whites, etc.

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*MyPerfectColor uses Kelly Moore or proprietary paints to create or match any color imaginable. MyPerfectColor has matched the colors on this page based on the color specifications of the original. Select a color to see MyPerfectColor's duplication of the colors you desire. Please note that since the paint used to match this color is unique to MyPerfectColor, the finish of the paint may vary from the original. Please note that, other than Kelly Moore, RAL, and Pantone, MyPerfectColor is not offering the actual branded color or paint product for sale and has no affiliation with the color-referenced brands. MyPerfectColor reference to any trademark is for color comparison only. On-screen and printed color representations may vary from actual paint colors. The actual paint color will also vary depending on the specific paint product, application method, gloss level, film variance, surface substrate, age and light source. Please note on small batch size orders, the potential variation of colors is increased.