Username: KT

Type: customer

Score: 4

Help me choose some colors for the outside of my 100 year old house

This is our investment property. I know it could be very warm and inviting, but right now it is a beat up mess. The porch floor is grey, the stucco is a pale yellow (I enhanced it on this photo, but it's really quite dull) and the shutters are a very sunfaded black. The roof is metal. I have NO IDEA what to do. We are in FL. I feel like an avocado color would be pretty, but others say it's going to make it blend in with the yard. Also, should I paint the porch area a different color? I want it to be awesome and inviting. =) Help!

What an awesome home, with so much potential! I can definitely give you some color schemes to consider and test for the home.

I think that you could probably consider a green color for the home, if you chose the right one. A pale avocado could work, with the right accent colors. If you were to paint the porch area, I assume you mean the outer porch area, as the area near the door appears as the bottom of the house. You could try using your lightest accent color (an off white) for the porch, and perhaps using a darker color for the steps. In any case, the door needs to be lighter, and perhaps replacing the fixture (if it's not historic,) with a lighter metal so it's not so dark in there. And with the door you can have more fun with choosing a color -- whatever seems inviting to you after you choose a scheme, or simply use the lighter trim color.

Here are a few color scheme ideas for the home. The colors will be Body first, Shutters second, then trim/accent third.

Scheme A
Benjamin Moore Plantation CSP-820

Benjamin Moore Barnwood CSP-115

Benjamin Moore Plaster of Paris CSP-185

Scheme B
Benjamin Moore Honeymoon AF-345

Benjamin Moore Satchel AF-240

Benjamin Moore Collectors Item AF-45

Scheme C
Benjamin Moore Pashmina AF-100

Benjamin Moore Sage Mountain 1488

Benjamin Moore Cream Silk 2146-60

Scheme D
Benjamin Moore Dijon 193

Benjamin Moore Philipsburg Blue HC-159

Benjamin Moore Acadia White OC-38

I hope these color scheme ideas will get you started on finding the perfect color scheme for your new property. Please reply if you have any questions.


Benjamin Moore



Wow...I never would have come up with any of those. Thank you so much for the tip about the front door! I would have gone with dark. Now I have the task of choosing one of these color schemes!

So glad you liked them! The key is to test the colors in the scheme(s) that appeal to you, and you can adjust the colors to get just the right one for your home. I like to think that my color suggestions are a starting point in finding the perfect colors.


I've also created each of these into a color scheme, so you can visualize them better:

Spanish Moss - Scheme A

Home for Supper - Scheme B

Saturday Afternoon- - Scheme C

Spice Jar - Scheme D

The color that appears largest in the scheme, is not necessarily the main body color, it's just how they are generated in the scheme.

Hope this is helpful,

